About Me

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Hey I'm Ross and I'm 17 years old and I am currently studying Intermediate 2 I.T. I live in the middle of nowhere outside Banff but originally came from Stirling and will be moving back down at the end of the year.

Monday, 7 January 2008


Sorry its took me so long to post, my Internet connection at home stopped so I had to wait until today now that I'm back at college.

Well Christmas went well, my little sister didn't get me up until 6 which is later than other years so needless to say she loves Christmas whereas I relish getting up before eight. It was spent this year with my mum, dad and sister which again is a first but it was less hectic with just the four of us so everything went well.

New year however was a different kettle of fish because I was a man on a mission so to speak on a five day stint. two days were spent at my friends in Aberdeen but the remaing three of the days were spent at the other halves (the better half really) with her family which is always an experience to say the least so I won't go into any more detail.

As far as college goes I'm confident with the remainder of the first block with all the assessments go but I'm starting to panic about the amount of assessments in Weblogs, well one in particular, the 5 week review. I started to think, I haven't started that particular assessment, yet there isn't 5 weeks left of the first block I don't think. Dilemna.

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